Thursday 21 November 2019

A bit about me to refresh the posts and readers :)

About me!

Hi! I'm Rae, as some of you may already know, but just in case you are new to my blog and my rather random posts.  I am a blogger, a geocacher at, a photographer, a munzee player at, a post crosser at , one of many Book Fairies around the world at, a random act of kindness / RAKtivist, a person curious and interested in XR / Extinction Rebellion and Climate Change, and a person who does most of this and blogging for more of a hobby than a job. I would definatly not say I'm an expert! 

This all started, well most of it years ago, ooh possibly I've been doing this for over 5 or so years now... I'm a member also of a fantastic place for like minded random acters to congrigate and share their love of giving to those around them in the world.  Any questions? Feel free to email me or as I collect post cards why not send me a postcard or letter? I'd love to hear from my readers. :D What would you like to see me do? What do you do and i'll feature you? :) 

Contacting Me? 

Here's how to do so:

Rae Rowan
P O BOX 83,
YO61 3YT 
England UK 
instagram: @teaandbooklady
Facebook: Raevienne Rowan

Regard, Rae (Beki)

According to Google!

According to google! ... Randomly, google puts up these little sometimes animations on their home page, you'know before you search something interesting... like a famous figure from long ago... and I thought seeing though im looking for new things to post I may just post these random snippets!

Found on 21st November 2019  Famous person...

Matilde Hidalgo

Image result for Matilde Hidalgo de Procel

Matilde Hidalgo Navarro was an Ecuadorian physician, poet, and activist. Matilde Hidalgo was the first woman to exercise the right to vote in Ecuador, and also the first to receive a Doctorate in Medicine. Wikipedia

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Book Fairies!!

Image result for the book fairies
The Book Fairies, here's a little short bit 'about' us book fairies from their website.
"The idea of The Book Fairies is simple. There are people who like to read, and to share the books they’ve read. And guess what – everyone loves a nice surprise! These two things come together with The Book Fairies – giving people a chance to pop a sticker and some ribbon on a book, make it a little surprise gift for someone, and leave it somewhere to be discovered!"

One thing I absolutely love about leaving books around the place is doing Random Acts of Kindness, not just as a far back previous post mentioned with kind spring and love the people on there so much like family and friends but from everywhere all over the world. It's a movement of like minded people from all ages and cultures around the world leaving books out for people to find and take photos using the hashtag #ibelieveinbookfairies and their own @ and hashtags mainly on instagram and some on facebook and other social media sites.

Book fairies can be found anywhere and could be almost anyone! 

Search Book Fairies Website!  for where we all are! 
If your ever on instagram follow me @teaandbooklady and say you came from my blog!

Here's my random drop offs that I've put in rather random places all over, why don't you try it?

The return and curiosities of Rae

I'm back! 

Ok, so I'm finally back to writing blogs after random on and off colds and flu, embarrassingly confessed forgetfulness and so many photos and reommendations that I've meant to put on so long ago and also shout outs to a few places I've been to... 

Shout out to Dunelm York's Helen for helping me and my family with getting new curtains! Here's some rather random photos of places I've left book fairies books, places I've visited and seen XR stickers, random cactuses in the UK shop Next , strange mushroom and pumpkins and a little free library found where I wouldn't have expected one. (by the way the top left is in a shocking in a loo, sorry lol, thought an ideal place for a random book!) 

Sunday 13 October 2019

The Cut Out Girl by Bart van Es

- Ok, so a side note here, yes I am so sorry I haven't been on for over a month now and I can't really blame my memory this time, or that one odd shift at our local charity shop, been quite busy with doing Avon.  Shock horror that I do that, as some of my friends say!!

Well here goes on this posts topic...

'The Cut Out Girl'

by Bart van Es

In the afternoon of Saturday 5th October many people gathered to watch Bart van Es in a smallish church hall here in the North of England; Bart a author and English Lit Professor of Oxford University writes of true events of his encouter with Lien a lady with a past experience in occupied Holland...

The last time Lien saw her parents was in the Hague when she was collected at the door by a stranger and taken to a city far away to be hidden from the Nazis. She was raised by her foster family as one of their own, but a falling out well after the war meant they were no longer in touch. What was her side of the story, Bart van Es - a grandson of the couple who looked after Lien - wondered? What really happened during the war, and after?
So began an investigation that would consume and transform both Bart van Es's life and Lien's. Lien was now in her 80s and living in Amsterdam. Reluctantly, she agreed to meet him, and eventually they struck up a remarkable friendship. The Cut Out Girl braids together a powerful recreation of Lien's intensely harrowing childhood story with the present-day account of Bart's efforts to piece that story together. And it embraces the wider picture, too, for Holland was more cooperative in rounding up its Jews for the Nazis than any other Western European country; that is part of Lien's story too.

I personally found it fasinating, obviously from being not that 'old' and learning how people in other countries lived and during the war times as well, I mean I've seen and gone to museums like the Eden camp up here in the North of England, but it's a different thing altogether of someones life and what they saw and heard and lived out of the whole experience they had.  It's fasinating the things you learn just from the book or Bart's talk on how she went from place to place.  Now your going to have to excuse me as I am the worlds slowest of readers and only a quater of the way through the book but his talk definatly was the best I'd been to... now I've been to some where the author or talker is *ahem* can you actually say this?... should I say the author has got one person in the audience having nodded off but Bart's was different everyone either was on sat upright, jotting stuff down or nodding along with what he was saying. Here's my photo I took with one of them in our local paper!!

 Bart van Es reading from his book.
 My mum, step dad and Jenny T-R having organised it... gread job and a good event well done folks!

Love, Rae.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

The Book Fairies

Image result for book fairies logo 

Book Faerie Book Drop and browsing!

I first came accross The Book Fairies having gone into the local pub with a friend, and no, I don't drink, quite tea total so to speak.  This was one of my friends 'Play Pool' Days.  She said she'd found a book that I might be interested in and it had a strange sticker on it about fairies, now the book definately wasn't my sort of book at all so I was confused.  But then I did some searching, I found their website and other world wide people doing little book drops like this nationally and internationally. So I thought seeing thought I did Book crossing why not give it a try.  People seem to take this seriously to.  Other than the odd member of the public throwing my books that I leave out in the bin it has been going well.  

Myself and other Book fairies there are also Mini Book fairies if you search @bookfairies_worldwide on instagram or facebook or even twitter their out there posting photos of their book drops so I'd urge you to go and have a look.

I've just put one out side of where I am sitting now on the well outside our local tourist information centre, wrapped in a see through clear sarnie bag.  Theres also one I've put on our Tourist Information Book stall.  One I might put in the local little free library in the next little village from me.  Still trying to get the council to let us use the old red english telephone box up the north of my town for either a history box or a little free library.  That is one of my dreams!!

Sunday 11 August 2019

Sunflower Lanyards - Hidden Disability awareness

The Importance of raising awarness for Hidden Disablities

Image result for what are sunflower lanyard mean Hidden disabilities are often missed when people are out and about in public and out shopping.  Myself and others that I know have found it hard to even shop sometimes and finding it hard to ask a member of staff at the local supermarket for help in finding an item.  But it seems that Sainbury's has kicked off a new 'movement' with sunflower lanyards, I wonder if the Co op and ASDA etc will take notice and do the same.  It seems certain Tesco stores here in the UK have acknowledged it. Unfortunately not the ones near me. 

The website mentioned by google said "“Passengers who have a hidden condition or disability, including acquired brain injury, can use a sunflower lanyard to indicate to staff that they may require additional assistance. “The sunflower lanyard is a simple yet discreet way to enable staff at airports to identify those who may need extra support.” 

Sainsbury's own website also mentions "Sainsbury’s has announced the extension of a new trial to help enhance the shopping experience for customers with hidden disabilities."  

I myself have just got one so hopefully will try it out.

More can be found at  

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Opening Up About My Mental Health Struggles *trigger warning* Ep. 6 - Th...

Molly Burke Is a true inspiration and I've got to share this vlog ... this is one of many of her videos or vlogs as some people call it about her journey and struggles of being a blind person.

Sunday 17 March 2019

The Cocoa Tree, Helmsley


The Cocoa Tree,
4, Castle Gate.

Yet again, I'm having problems with the formatting of blog posts so excuse the random layout.

Rae and her mum and step dad thought they'd have a cuppa in this little tea rooms, the staff very friendly after having been here a few times before and having Gluten Free cakes for Terry (Rae's step-dad) Unfortunatly this time Rae and Jenny (Rae's mum) only had time to share a rather delicious chocolate cake (which was massive even for two!!) Poor Terry didn't manage to get his GF cake as they'd sold out how could they so shocking tsk tsk lol.

The link to this tea rooms is: a facebook page as I cannot seem to get the website and link to work! But a deffinate reccomendation if your ever passing by on the main road off from the Market place in Helmsley. 

Image may contain: plant and outdoor The outside of the little Quaint tea rooms

A windyish coldish day in Helmesley, North Yorks

(Helmsley Castle) 


A Sunday Afternoon Stroll

Well moving on from the last blog where it rather rudly cut off on me! Shocking, my computer seems to be doing that an awful lot these days with Blogger or Blog spot. I still can't seem to get to grips with these blog spot drafts when I'm out and about and trying to save my travels to the app on my Iphone, wether or not it's the actual Iphone, my pc of blog spot I will never know! Ok my mum, aunt, uncle and step-dad took me to the little market town of Helmsley this afternoon luckily we managed to dodge some of the raindrops as we took a stroll amogst the blossom and daffodills.  So I'm going to put some pictures up for you all to view and hope you like them.  Have my readers ever been here to Helmsley in North Yorkshire, England UK? If so which is your favourite shop or tea shop ? (Tea shop coming in the next blog post!) 

The High Street and path leading up from the car park. 
 (Sorry if the photos are a bit weirdly spaced my pc is playing up with the formatting and yes that's half of my poor step father whom stepped into the shot! :O Shout out to Mr Harp! :D Your famous!

Helmsley Market Place Daffodill's down the stream bank.

Well thats all for now folks, until next time. :D <3 Peace out, Rae.

Rae's trip to Sienna

Hello Moonbeams! :D

Rae here for yet another blog post on her strolls around different towns and places. Mostly more near where she lives! Must go futher a field like that Devon Geocaching trip! This time my mum and step dad took me to Helmsley on my Birthday weekend.  It was a bit cold and windy but we managed to get round a few shops before they shut for their Sunday 'siestas'. 

One of them was a shop called Sienna down from the Helmsley market place, off a little side street. Which seemed quirky and I even bought a handbag which was rather colourful for me which is a nice change.  Also a Tree of life necklace.  The nice lady in there let me pop it on as I've got the most stupidly large neck there must be for anyone trying jewellery on! It's so embarrasing anyway the lady there was nice enough and here's a shout out and a thanks for coping with us fussy customers! hehe.

 I can only seem to get their facebook page up and a link to their website.  So here's the link and a photo of their logo if you ever want to visit.  I found it to be a nice little Quirky shop. Not too quirky but with nice things in.

Image may contain: text     It seems I'm having formatting problems with the blog site at the moment and also if the photos and links are a bit squiff!   So the next blog post will be about our Trip to Helmsley and another little place we went into.

Thursday 7 March 2019

Blasted it was a Virus!


Ok, so I know this has been some time since I last posted a blog post in a while. No excuses that I should do so and got some ideas for what to post next like reviews and things I keep promising!  I'm still looking for articals to post on my blog if anyone has any ideas and if you wish me to advertise your local and not so local businesses! 

Your possibly trying to figure out why I titled this blog post like I did. For the past 2 weeks or so I've had a flu / cold virus and chest infection which last Sunday I had to be admitted to the local hospital to have tests done to figure out what it was and yep a virus had attacked my chest but im now on recovery and taking the anibiotics.  Not sure what most people think of taking them but they're seeming to work so heres hoping I can do some reviews and get out and about! I'm still trying to figure out how to put photos and pictures on here so if there's any blog nerds out there that can help me do let me know via social media Raevienne Rowan on fb!!

Signing off for now untill another post,



The Isle of Wight - September 2022 Trip

 Isle of Wight Trip Coach Trip with Acklams Coaches  Well, here I go again with another late blog post that I should have thought about doin...