Friday 31 December 2021

The protests, horrors and realities of Fox Hunting...

 It started with the December Out Reach...

Ok, here goes nothing, I've recently got into joining our local Anti-Hunt Group.  Phew there I've said it, I've posted on my facebook page and also some on my instagram, yes I am an Anti and think its disgusting that hunts go around parading swearing and sharing drinks out with supporters and especially when Covid and a virus and colds and all sorts going around.  Not just that the animals, why the hell would you lie about a so called trail hunt and then get Terrier men to dig up earths and dens that animals live in and their cubs for sheer trophy and to look good.  Anyway lets keep this blog swearing free it infuriates me as it is!! 

You can find them also with links on my link tree and websites and one of the nearest groups that i am in to me...  (for some reason you will have to highlight and then paste into your browser as its not letting me do links again weird thing!) 

Another near on is, there is also a website which ties them in all together. This is where I get most of the posters shown

I mean I have seen taxidermy and it's given and still giving me nightmares, I also once knew someone who did holistic healing who use to have it all over her house and up the stairs... which confused the hell out of me I mean if your trying to help animals omg just dont its revolting!!! 

Well as I say these are all my own views along with those I post of other peoples that I will say when I ever come to them.  As random as my posts are, they are meant in the good content!  Thanks to my autism and Dyslexia!!

One of the leaflets read:

Despite the 2005 ban, fox hunting has never stopped. Hunts pursue and kill foxes every week in hunting season. If you hate this as much as we do, join us. We leaflet, demonstrate and hold outreach stalls. Please contact us.  WWW.ACTIONAGAINSTFOXHUNTING.ORG or find us on twitter and facebook.  Theres loads of sabs and others on instagram!!

Another reads: 

Because hunting is cruel, the Hunting Act made it illegal to use dogs to pursue and kill wild mammals. But hunters are campaigning for the Act to be repealed. They have no moral objection to allowing hounds to tear a living animal apart. The vast majority of people rightly find animal cruelty abhorrent. Hunters, on the other hand, find the prolonged chase and the bloody, painful and terrifying death "thrilling". 

For heavens and the animals sakes think before you dismiss this blog post and join us!! There'll be an anti hunt near you... If I could post the video and the photos of what happened when I sadly visited and joined in with a protest in my town you would be so shocked it is unreal, just view the one at EAF Easingwold against fox hunting the vile and disgusting actions and words that where said is just beyond caring!!   Thank you for reading. - Rae.

Returning and New years resolutions!

 New Years Resolutions for 2022!! 

Well, here I go again, sat at the desk or rather this time my mothers dining room table typing this up and hoping for a healthier 2022.  Ok, so this has been terrible... I know i've not done many blog posts this year and I am hoping as always to do more as one of my many resolutions as well as the obvious to losing weight and trying not to catch Covid!!  As I type this the winds blowing outside and we've had temp at about -2 degrees some days here.  A bit warmer now.  Just a quick one as I am trying to think and prepare a post to do with Fox Hunting, yes it's Illegal and and still happens even though they say its so called Trail Hunting.  Untill that post stay well and safe and Happy New Year!!! 

The Isle of Wight - September 2022 Trip

 Isle of Wight Trip Coach Trip with Acklams Coaches  Well, here I go again with another late blog post that I should have thought about doin...