Friday 31 December 2021

The protests, horrors and realities of Fox Hunting...

 It started with the December Out Reach...

Ok, here goes nothing, I've recently got into joining our local Anti-Hunt Group.  Phew there I've said it, I've posted on my facebook page and also some on my instagram, yes I am an Anti and think its disgusting that hunts go around parading swearing and sharing drinks out with supporters and especially when Covid and a virus and colds and all sorts going around.  Not just that the animals, why the hell would you lie about a so called trail hunt and then get Terrier men to dig up earths and dens that animals live in and their cubs for sheer trophy and to look good.  Anyway lets keep this blog swearing free it infuriates me as it is!! 

You can find them also with links on my link tree and websites and one of the nearest groups that i am in to me...  (for some reason you will have to highlight and then paste into your browser as its not letting me do links again weird thing!) 

Another near on is, there is also a website which ties them in all together. This is where I get most of the posters shown

I mean I have seen taxidermy and it's given and still giving me nightmares, I also once knew someone who did holistic healing who use to have it all over her house and up the stairs... which confused the hell out of me I mean if your trying to help animals omg just dont its revolting!!! 

Well as I say these are all my own views along with those I post of other peoples that I will say when I ever come to them.  As random as my posts are, they are meant in the good content!  Thanks to my autism and Dyslexia!!

One of the leaflets read:

Despite the 2005 ban, fox hunting has never stopped. Hunts pursue and kill foxes every week in hunting season. If you hate this as much as we do, join us. We leaflet, demonstrate and hold outreach stalls. Please contact us.  WWW.ACTIONAGAINSTFOXHUNTING.ORG or find us on twitter and facebook.  Theres loads of sabs and others on instagram!!

Another reads: 

Because hunting is cruel, the Hunting Act made it illegal to use dogs to pursue and kill wild mammals. But hunters are campaigning for the Act to be repealed. They have no moral objection to allowing hounds to tear a living animal apart. The vast majority of people rightly find animal cruelty abhorrent. Hunters, on the other hand, find the prolonged chase and the bloody, painful and terrifying death "thrilling". 

For heavens and the animals sakes think before you dismiss this blog post and join us!! There'll be an anti hunt near you... If I could post the video and the photos of what happened when I sadly visited and joined in with a protest in my town you would be so shocked it is unreal, just view the one at EAF Easingwold against fox hunting the vile and disgusting actions and words that where said is just beyond caring!!   Thank you for reading. - Rae.

Returning and New years resolutions!

 New Years Resolutions for 2022!! 

Well, here I go again, sat at the desk or rather this time my mothers dining room table typing this up and hoping for a healthier 2022.  Ok, so this has been terrible... I know i've not done many blog posts this year and I am hoping as always to do more as one of my many resolutions as well as the obvious to losing weight and trying not to catch Covid!!  As I type this the winds blowing outside and we've had temp at about -2 degrees some days here.  A bit warmer now.  Just a quick one as I am trying to think and prepare a post to do with Fox Hunting, yes it's Illegal and and still happens even though they say its so called Trail Hunting.  Untill that post stay well and safe and Happy New Year!!! 

Saturday 16 October 2021

Euans Guide and Red Cord Cards

 Euan's Guide

So, yet again I've been neglecting my blog posts with a mixture of health and busy-ness! :O I keep meaning to log these things down on paper to put on my blog.  Anyway a while ago I did a rather stupidly short post on Euan's Guide and their red cord cards and thought I'd re do it as it didn't really do them any justice! So here goes.

Euan's guide is a Disability Access Review website found at (for some reason Rae can't get the link button working so it will have to be a copy and paste situation sorry about that one).  Founded by Euan McDonald MBE and co founded with his sister Kiki in 2013.  Ok, so this is going to be another copy and paste as I don't want to get any nouns, grammar and names wrong but according to their website: After his Motor Neurone Disease (MND) diagnosis in 2003, Euan moved from London back to Edinburgh to be with his family and fundraise for MND research. In 2006, Euan and his father Donald established the Euan MacDonald Centre for MND Research, and helped to set up the Voicebank Project, which is today known as Speak:Unique.

Ten years after his diagnosis, Euan’s Guide was launched by Euan and his sister Kiki as a place for disabled people, their families, friends and carers to share their knowledge of accessible places to go. The award-winning charity is based in Scotland and used by disabled people all over the UK and beyond.

Euan and Kiki work in the Old Town of Edinburgh alongside their team: a friendly bunch who are passionate about accessibility.

About Euan's Guide:

We all navigate the world in different ways. Euan’s Guide makes it easier for disabled people to find great places to go. We all want to get out there and enjoy life, and having good quality disabled access information reduces unnecessary hassle, inspires confidence and removes fear of the unknown. is the disabled access review site where disabled people, their family, friends and carers can find and share reviews on the accessibility of venues around the UK and beyond. The site is an invaluable tool for everything from planning a day out, to picking a last-minute place for coffee or lunch.

We believe in making the world more accessible one review at a time. There are now thousands of disabled access reviews and listing on Euan’s Guide. With good accessibility information being so hard to find, one review is often enough to encourage others to visit. Euan’s Guide is opening the door for more people to find new and exciting places to go. Reviews are also sent to venue owners and this can be a positive and powerful opportunity for education and change.

The charity was founded in 2013 by Euan MacDonald MBE, a powerchair user and his sister Kiki after Euan was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease and a lack of disabled access made everyday experiences stressful. By breaking down the barriers of exclusion with the help of other people in the same situation, Euan’s Guide hopes to give everyone the freedom to explore.

There is a survey currently going on as of October 2021. again a copy and paste situation. If anyone wants a go.  I am also a wearer of the sunflower lanyard which is also a must see and read.  Until next time and hope this helps people and the info.  Rae.

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Fox not getting mine! (Hedgehog 🦔)

A clip on Brackley Hog Watchcaused it to go viral well be Shared lots! Pictures a hedgehog running off with a chicken drumstick away from a fox. 

Hedgehog Heros🦔

A Durham Rescue Centre has been nominated and awarded Spike Hedgehog Foods Hero Award by Bev Stoker via FB. WELL DONE DAVE!! Not to mention his famous bald (now not!) Hedgehog 🦔 Keith.

Friday 25 June 2021

Euan's guide & Reviews

 Hello all!

Today's post is about a website, a group of people, a charity called Euan's guide.  That help disabled people via disability access reviews.  People write reviews on their website of places that they have visited and encourage others to do so as well.  Although it's not just about the reviews, well it is but there are also the "Red Cord Cards" .... You know the Red Cords that hang down from the disabled loos well, every disabled loo should really have one! ... the cards attach to them letting people know that they should hang loose.  Trust me I've seen a few that haven't... shockingly, along with Raydar keys the keys for disabled public loos some of the locks and cords are broken and out of use. I wonder if there is anything called disabled access activists...ohhhh I could tell of you of a few places lol! Anyways! is the link to their website to have a look on and if you go right to the bottom to the little foot menu it will mention the red cord cards i was on about.  =Rae

Thursday 3 June 2021

Free Landing and Aldwalk Bridge, North Yorkshire

 Rae's curiosity lead her to...

Aldwalk Bridge...

No description available.

There has been a river crossing here for hundreds of years - the area once called Rudford Wath, wath meaning a fordable stream - and a ferry once ran between the banks. However, it was dangerous and unreliable in the winter weather, and in 1772 an Act of Parliment was granted to John Thompson of nearby Kirby Hall to build a bridge.

Today, this is the perfect spot to enjoy a picnic, or just res and watch the river traffic flow by.  Nowadays, the commercial traffic has been replaced by pleasure craft such as powerful cruisers and jolly narrowboats.  Keep an eye open for the damselflies, such as the banded damoselle.  You might even be lucky enough to spot a brilliantly-coloured kingfisher and you will almost certainly see noisy groups of mallard.  The wild flowers have been a picture in spring and summer in this area.  

This has long been a popular site for fisherman who seak out roach, perch, barbel and pike.  Thompson agreed on condition that the bridge remained in private hands - and today the Aldwalk Bridge remains one of the only eight privately owned toll crossings in the country.  Costing 40p to get across well as of May 2021!  The stury iron crossing you see today was opened on 6th April 1877 two years after the first bridge, designed by Harewood House architect John Carr, fell into the water.

Serene as the scene is today this was the site of a tragedy where in 1810 you men stood on the bridge to watch ice floes speeding beneath on the flood water.  In their excitement, they raced from one side of the bridge to the other - tracgically the railing gave way and 13 fell into the water.  But only one of the bodies was ever found. 

Nun Monkton and Geocaching

 Nun Monkton & Geocaching

Situated over the river bank from Beningborough Hall and gardens, Nun Monkton is one of the rather up market  little area of North Yorkshire.  It's a village with a civil parish in the Harrogate district of our area.  It's situated about 8/9 miles outside the city of York about North Westish from the city.  The village is at the confluence of the rivers Ouse and Nidd, with cottages and houses which are grouped around the village green and the 'pub / restaurant' The Alice Hawthorn. The Alice Hawthorn .  (see link in blue!)

No description available. 

The Geocaches there were on a nice route but hard to get to if you didn't know the right foot path which was annoying as we seemed to be searching everywhere, with no luck.  It's nice for a walk around near the river though when you get to where your wanting to end up... 

The church in Nun Monkton is St Mary's Church an Episcopal church in the village.  Postcode if your wishing to park nearby the area and telephone number if your of the Christian Religion and visiting the area are: YO26 8ES and 01423 331142
Lovely Church to visit and was nice and cool on such a hot day when we visited.  

Until next post, Rae.

Monday 10 May 2021

Hesley Worker finds Random Act!

 Hesley Group worker finds Random Act of Kindness in North Yorkshire town!

  May be an image of 1 person, outdoors and text 

The above pictured Random Act of Kindness, little laminated card that Rae did last week and she's been putting them all over her local Edwardian market town up here in North Yorkshire, England, UK.  Made one Hesley Group worker, over the moon to pick up the little random act in these rather strange and hard times.  K. Roberts who works locally in the town found this whilst on her walk one lunch time and decided to comment on it on the local facebook page.  Which Rae was tagged in by one of her friends that noticed it was her work! 

K. Roberts said "Found this on my lunchtime walk today, thank you it really meant something to me." Well we're glad we certainly helped someone Thank you!!! :D - Rae.

Too long and not logging!

 Hello Strangers,

Ok, so here I am again doing a strange blog post after not blogged for what seems like a decade and with my rather bad writing skills!  I'll never be a writer or write a book ha ha.  I'm too random and my grammar seems to be all over the place at this moment in time.  Not to mention im addicted to touch typing when I do these kinds of blogs.  Always wanting to do a blog about something or another that peaks my curiosity but never actually get round to figuring out what words to say on a blog.  Do you guys read this and have any tips? I'm thinking do people read blogs any more with whats been happening and lockdown and covid 19? 

So as we come out of lockdown slowly and hopefully for the best in the near future here in England, UK I hope this finds my readers well if I still have any left? I've been still out walking in the woods behind my little flat here in Yorkshire.  We finally heard the cuckoo for the first time about a week or so ago, seems to be coming later this year migrating from Africa. Do others think that I always wonder?

Still doing my geocaching and for those cachers out there we're going to the uk lincoln mega this August 2021 hopefully if we can also we are trackable on the website and our code is for discovery only at: WBX9FJ if you want to discover us? 

The weather recently here has been strange one day or rather time its pouring rain then sunny then over cast again, it's really weird.   I keep getting my book fairy boxes from a subscription i still have and still doing my book fairy drops.  See a post somewhere i said about book fairy drops! 

Until the next random post i do... keep safe.  NAMASTE x


Wednesday 10 March 2021

Blog updating


Ok, so I'm having trouble uploading blog posts as I mainly use my rather weird unpredictable Iphone SE!  The worst thing being it just randomly stops letting me post photos or pictures onto blog posts.  Then other times it wont even let me post at all!! ... I didn't think I was this much of a techniphobe! haha...

Well things have been rather slow here recently, due to lockdown still being active here in the UK and not being able to go out as much.  At least we apparently now can see one other outside of our support bubble for a walk which is a good thing... I'm hoping this will let me take photos of my area sometime so i can post them for you all.  

Oh, another of my random updates, the hedgies or hedgehogs we've been rescuing.  Or rather me attempting ot help where i can my mums neighbour raising awareness for the European Hedgehogs.  I'll call her Mrs A as not so sure she'd want to be named on here. so Mrs A (mums neighbour) rescues hedgies as I call them and helps The little silver hedgehog rescue lady Emma in York. There are now I think 4 hedgehogs in captivity some still in hibernation and some awake.  Can't wait for our Bruce hedgie to come back out again, we know theres someone in the nesting box at the moment which is a good thing at least!! So watch this space!! Anyone have 'hedgies' where they are let me know!!

Hopefully here comes next time! - Rae.

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Pausing for thought

 This is where I post a photo. A one or two photos only that have me thinking that I feel I need to share with the world. 

Saturday 23 January 2021

Blogger Doggies and Moggies

Ok so I did this last year or was it the year before. It’s such a strange time that sometimes I don’t know when I did things!! Eek. Here are some famous dogs of my town. Do you recognise any?

Monday 11 January 2021

New Year, New Start!

 2021 Happy New Year" photos, royalty-free images, graphics, vectors &  videos | Adobe Stock

Happy New Year 2021! 

Well what a year 2020 has been!  Ok, so again I am behind with blog posts and again with being busy and a rather long Christmas and New Year time!  With the lock down happening 3 times now, it has been a strange one.  I've had Covid about 3 months ago now.  You never know where you catch it from and when, it was like a cold but tight chest and slight coughing fits.  It doesn't half worry you and glad to finally get it out in the open and type it up, after concerns about all different things.  Everyone seemed to have caught it at the time.  I wasn't able to wear a mask in public and still can't a bit but have found other ways with visors and putting a bracket as I call it... lets see if I can find a photo of what I mean and it will let me post it on here!...      These Face Brackets for Masks Will Make Breathing So Much Easier |        there great if the material keeps going in your mouth and you have panic attacks.  Also these are good for it stopping rubbing your ears at the back.  Just ordered one for a friend and also my mum and step dad. Would reccommend them!  10PCS Mask Ear Hooks,Ear Guards Hook with Adjustable and Flexible Strap Ear  Cord Ear Protector Extension Buckle for Mask Multi-Colors:  Baby  

Well with all the shops and cafes shutting, no ones been aloud out here in the UK also the confusing BREXIT and leaving the EU.  Oh and a good thing is I've finally figured out and with help started using ebay to sell things like DVDs and CDs etc that I no longer need on Ebay. 

I'm still geocaching, but in our local area as the govenment says.... although they now say you cannot put any more geocaches out which makes sense so will have to wait to do that.  Just redoing some of mine that have either gone missing or broken...

Well hope you all had a good christmas and new year! Stay safe, Stay well and strong! 

Rae x

The Isle of Wight - September 2022 Trip

 Isle of Wight Trip Coach Trip with Acklams Coaches  Well, here I go again with another late blog post that I should have thought about doin...