Thursday 21 November 2019

A bit about me to refresh the posts and readers :)

About me!

Hi! I'm Rae, as some of you may already know, but just in case you are new to my blog and my rather random posts.  I am a blogger, a geocacher at, a photographer, a munzee player at, a post crosser at , one of many Book Fairies around the world at, a random act of kindness / RAKtivist, a person curious and interested in XR / Extinction Rebellion and Climate Change, and a person who does most of this and blogging for more of a hobby than a job. I would definatly not say I'm an expert! 

This all started, well most of it years ago, ooh possibly I've been doing this for over 5 or so years now... I'm a member also of a fantastic place for like minded random acters to congrigate and share their love of giving to those around them in the world.  Any questions? Feel free to email me or as I collect post cards why not send me a postcard or letter? I'd love to hear from my readers. :D What would you like to see me do? What do you do and i'll feature you? :) 

Contacting Me? 

Here's how to do so:

Rae Rowan
P O BOX 83,
YO61 3YT 
England UK 
instagram: @teaandbooklady
Facebook: Raevienne Rowan

Regard, Rae (Beki)

According to Google!

According to google! ... Randomly, google puts up these little sometimes animations on their home page, you'know before you search something interesting... like a famous figure from long ago... and I thought seeing though im looking for new things to post I may just post these random snippets!

Found on 21st November 2019  Famous person...

Matilde Hidalgo

Image result for Matilde Hidalgo de Procel

Matilde Hidalgo Navarro was an Ecuadorian physician, poet, and activist. Matilde Hidalgo was the first woman to exercise the right to vote in Ecuador, and also the first to receive a Doctorate in Medicine. Wikipedia

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Book Fairies!!

Image result for the book fairies
The Book Fairies, here's a little short bit 'about' us book fairies from their website.
"The idea of The Book Fairies is simple. There are people who like to read, and to share the books they’ve read. And guess what – everyone loves a nice surprise! These two things come together with The Book Fairies – giving people a chance to pop a sticker and some ribbon on a book, make it a little surprise gift for someone, and leave it somewhere to be discovered!"

One thing I absolutely love about leaving books around the place is doing Random Acts of Kindness, not just as a far back previous post mentioned with kind spring and love the people on there so much like family and friends but from everywhere all over the world. It's a movement of like minded people from all ages and cultures around the world leaving books out for people to find and take photos using the hashtag #ibelieveinbookfairies and their own @ and hashtags mainly on instagram and some on facebook and other social media sites.

Book fairies can be found anywhere and could be almost anyone! 

Search Book Fairies Website!  for where we all are! 
If your ever on instagram follow me @teaandbooklady and say you came from my blog!

Here's my random drop offs that I've put in rather random places all over, why don't you try it?

The return and curiosities of Rae

I'm back! 

Ok, so I'm finally back to writing blogs after random on and off colds and flu, embarrassingly confessed forgetfulness and so many photos and reommendations that I've meant to put on so long ago and also shout outs to a few places I've been to... 

Shout out to Dunelm York's Helen for helping me and my family with getting new curtains! Here's some rather random photos of places I've left book fairies books, places I've visited and seen XR stickers, random cactuses in the UK shop Next , strange mushroom and pumpkins and a little free library found where I wouldn't have expected one. (by the way the top left is in a shocking in a loo, sorry lol, thought an ideal place for a random book!) 

The Isle of Wight - September 2022 Trip

 Isle of Wight Trip Coach Trip with Acklams Coaches  Well, here I go again with another late blog post that I should have thought about doin...